Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Online, interactive Audiences in a digital media world

Being a fan has changed over the years, again from more of a old fashion of viewing to an interactive experience. This has happened because there are outlets for audiences to express their fandom, there are things fans are able to do, such as create fan made scenes, and outlets were fans are able to be participatory, like using "#" on twitter to talk about the latest episode of the walking dead etc.

so,  a term used to describe this is "Dominic"which is a spimatic fan
Spin- changing paradigms thinking of fan engagement
fan viewership as a form of participatory culture.

The idea is ( learned from lecture) that if you have a picture, say of yourself at the school hockey game, and you post it on your Facebook, the Spim continues after the image, it gets a life of its own, because other people can send it, look at it, hashtag it "#" etc.

The new idea with interactive audiences is where the power lays, with the consumer or with the producer.
 Which is an interesting and complex idea, and there are arguments for both sides
for the (consumer)
- we choose what we watch
- how we watch it
- what we "spim" of content, our fan culture, ( websites we make, blogs we right)
- what we hashtag and in turn what is a popular hashtag ( the idea from the article)
- we can fight the producers on whether or not we are happy with an ending or love interest
for example, when the ending of " How i meet your mother "aired fans were not happy and the producers changed the ending.

Signs of a revolution?
video games altering endings ( world of warcraft )
Youtube without infrastructure - the idea that anyone can post a video of themselves say singing and get noticed ( like Justin Bieber did) unlike American idol where judges decide who has the talent.
book uses ( amazon, smash words)

The 2 key aspects - User generated content, create store and distribute content.

however the argument made that the power lays in the hands of the (producer)
- they choose how the story is written, and then produced
- they can help suggest hashtags for discussion
-they make the ultimate decisions, like the end of the video games, they choose that.
- and youtube can take something down if they don't like it

in seminar we discussed that the idea that the consumer has the power is how it was previously viewed however it is more common now to understand that the producer actually holds the power. which correlates with he idea from the article that the corporations holds the power not the audiences.
The article also discusses a type of agenda setting, how over twitter how certain events like paris can have a more content more of a presence over other tragedies, the corporations chooses that not audiences.

audiences in the news
why paris was more covered, explained.
how audiences could participate in supporting paris, by changing their profile pictures (that Facebook added as an option)

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