Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Interpreting & Decoding Mass Media texts

The main Question posed in the previous article on Uses and Gratifications,
"Could the overlap ( which we discussed as being, a need/gratification for both old and new media) be a result of using gratification's measure designed for older media?"

The answer: Older ways/ scales weren't reflecting, new gratifications users has to broad, not sensitive enough to hit categories with new technologies.

Why, acceptance, coolness, instant access, interactivity are a few new gratifications and needs which come along with new technologies that didn't exist before.

Goes Back to MAIN, how with new technologies there became a need for MODALITY,  being able to take our technologies with us, AGENCY our abilities to write/say anything with our technologies, on a post or blog etc. INTERACTIVITY how what we do, use, post on media generates a response, with others. and NAVIGATIBILITY

In class we discussed how we can decode mass media messages, and how people collectively come together to do so. for example we were all small and younger then but we were all alive during 9/11, and we shared the stories of how we interpreting the messages we got then.

in the article Missing the Joke: A Reception Analysis of Satirical Texts Ann Johnson1, Esteban del Rio2, & Ali it discussed the idea that  audience interpretations and evaluations of satirical videos. Thirty-one participants were shown 1 of 4 short video segments from 3 satirical films. Participants were then asked to describe and evaluate what they saw. We found that audience members frequently missed the satire in the texts. However, these nonsatirical readings typically worked in the same ideological or rhetorical direction as satirical readings. When participants thought the author’s intentions were serious, they also found the argument less than compelling. We conclude that viewers who ‘‘miss the joke’’ may still ‘‘get the message.’’

My interpretation of this, to my life is when you send a message over a phone, or computer the problem is the person on the other end, cant see you ( your emotions, facialexpressions) and sometimes you cant tell if they understand your joking, or if they find something funny, or if there upset. A personal example is when my mom first got her new phone, it would automatically send a period after every word, so when she would send me a message like "ok." i would think she was upset, and she would just be responding. So this is an example of interpreting and decoding a message.

Another example, is my girlfriend use to send me pictures of her dog, and i know how much she loves her dog, so when she would send me a message attached to the photo like "isnt she the greatest" and to anyone else, the message would be happy, and cute. i would decode it and now if shes sending me a picture of her dog, that means shes upset thinking about her passing,and i would know she needs more than a quick comment back like " yes she was" and more a hug and a hangout.

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