Tuesday, 20 October 2015

media ratings and target marketing

media ratings and target marketing all have to do with the audience member/ consumer. the consumer holds the power in what a company sells, and what a network shows.

therefore the consumers attention is very valuable to companies.

The idea of when you are a audience member is a frequent question in media studies, however since the age of the passive audience member its safe to say we are always being subjected to content, ads, campaigns etc.

this has changed the consumers behaviours, for example commercials we dont have time for, so whats the solution? fast forward and skip them. Now the advertisers need to work harder to find a way to market to us, without it seeming like they are.

 how do they do this....
easy they find out your browser history and advertise to you that way, or make you sit through a 30 second clip before your youtube clip, even better make you watch an ad before you play your game so its free. this is a silent contract we as the consumer are signing to markerters we understand that they want our information to make money, and we want to use their resources ( facebook, candy crush etc.)

Again audiences are hard to describe, but to marketers its essential, companies break down consumers into categories so they know what to market and sell to you specifically.  they do this by target marketing through age, gender, race, geography and so much more.

in seminar we discussed specifically how wal mart is able to track your every sale and knows what you want, as their target marketing.

we also talked about the idea of veiwablity, again how and when are you a audience member, if i have a show on but am in the kitchen doing the dishes, am i a audience member for the show? this is challenge companies face when trying to count their show ratings. although a couple of options are available such as a survey, a box connected to your tv, and a pager size adapter to tell marketers what they want to know.

while the reading discusses how the united states is estimated to spend 60 billion in digital ad spending, the age of advertising on television is disappearing, due to PVR, netflix etc.
the new way is to display at least 50% of pixels for one second to th consumer, as an effective way to get the consumers attention.
I believe this can be achieved because we are so use to skimming things, driving by things fast and not stopping to smell the roses, we are living in a time in need of fast pace marketing.

overall target marketing is the most essential to marketers when trying to figure out their marketing strategies and product development, our views and attention will always be worth something.

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